1. Unzip the vshare_3.0.zip and upload all the files to your web server.

  2. Make sure your server have all required software installed. You can find vShare requirements at

  3. Change permission of following folders and files to 777. You can do this with your FTP client software or control panel provided by web host. If your web host run php in suPHP mode, you don't need to change permission.

    Folder/Files Permission NOTE
    cache 777 All files inside the folder need read/write permission for everyone
    chimg 777 All files inside the folder need read/write permission for everyone
    flvideo 777 Read/write permission for everyone
    include 777 Read/write permission for everyone
    include/config.php 777 Read/write permission for everyone
    photo 777 Read/write permission for everyone
    templates_c 777 Read/write permission for everyone
    themes 777 All files and sub folders inside the folder need read / write permission for everyone
    thumb 777 Read/write permission for everyone
    video 777 Read/write permission for everyone
    sitemap 777 Read/write permission for everyone
  4. Create a MySQL database in your control panel.

  5. Run installer.

    Visit following url to run installer.

  6. After installation, login to admin control panel.

    Username: admin
    Password: buyscripts
  7. Delete "install" folder from server.

  8. Change permission of folder "include" and file "include/config.php" to 644.

  9. Enable Upload Progress bar.

  10. You need to set cronjob for processing video in batch mode or importing video. For more details, see Setting cronjob for batch video processing.

After installation is completed, we recommend that you go through and configure your new vShare website in the following order

  1. Login to the Admin Area and change default admin password (Admin > Admin Password)

  2. Enable Captcha to protect your site against spam, malicious registrations and other forms of attacks

  3. You must Enable Youtube (API) to work features such as YouTube remote uploading and Bulk import

  4. Upload some test videos on your website to check everything works as expected

  5. Enable browser caching by adding expires headers to .htaccess file.

HostOnNet.com provide vShare Installation for $10. Contact - [email protected]